First Steps with HRC

Dive into HoldemResources Calculator (HRC) with our 'First Steps with HRC' guide, featuring insights from poker expert Bencb of Raise Your Edge. This introductory guide helps you understand the core features of HRC, including its interface, crucial functions for push/fold and postflop analysis.

HRC Fundamentals with Bencb

To get you started on the right foot, we've put together a series of tutorial videos featuring Bencb from Raise Your Edge. These tutorials are designed to guide you through the basics of HRC, helping you understand its interface and functionalities. Whether you're new to HRC or just looking to brush up on your skills, these videos are a great starting point. You can also find these videos as a Youtube Playlist.

#1 Interface Overview & Free Viewer Mode

Begin your journey by exploring the HRC core user interface and discovering the capabilities of the free viewer mode.

#2: Setting Up Your First Push/Fold Hand

Dive into setting up a push/fold scenario in HRC, learning the essentials of initial hand setup.

#3: Simple Hand Setups & Postflop Basics

Expand your skills with basic hand setups and understand the importance of postflop betting in your analysis.

Optimizing HRC: Tweaking The Memory Limit

If you're running into the default 4GB memory limit of HRC, especially with complex calculations, a simple adjustment can greatly enhance your experience. Our documentation includes easy-to-follow steps to increase this limit, allowing HRC to handle larger game trees.